Sunday, September 22, 2019

Instant Pot pork chops with onion & mushroom gravy

Let’s talk spices for a minute. I love all kinds of spices even if some of them don’t love me. I have found that having fresh / good spices do make a difference so be sure to go through them every so often to get rid of the old / stale ones!

This recipes is not really adapted from anyone one recipe so there is no citing my source on this one. I did look at several sites to see how long to cook the pork chops and there wasn’t a whole lot of agreements so I made a judgement call.

  • 1 onion diced small
  • 1 cartoon mushrooms sliced (I like baby portobellos)
  • 3 large thick cut pork chops (can be bone in but need to be thick cut)
  • 2 tbsp spice mix. (I used Penzeys Greek mix for these)
  • 1 cup broth (chicken or veggie)
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch 
Heat oil in instant Pot on sauté.  Coat all sides of the pork chops with the spice mix. Place pork chops in a single layer in the instant Pot and brown on all sides. (I even browned the edges). After pork chops are browned remove from Instant Pot and pour in broth. With a wooden spoon scrape all of the fond from the bottom of the pan (makes cleaning easier and prevents it from getting a burnt flavor). Put the onions and mushrooms into the broth and stir.  Place the pork chops on top of the veggies. 

Seal the Instant Pot and select Meat and set to 15 minutes.  Release naturally if you have the time. While waiting for it to release mix the cornstarch with a small amount of water. After opening the Instant Pot take out the pork chops and select sauté. Stirring constantly pour in the cornstarch and water mixture to make the gravy. Serve with a salad, noodles or whatever side you like.  

Makes a great leftover lunch!!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Korean quiche

Korean food typically doesn’t have much cheese in it but I LOVE Korean style seasonings so this is my first attempt at a Korean Quiche. It is great for using up all of those veggies that are a day past perfectly ripe.  The recipe that I adapted is the Quiche Lorraine recipe at and is one that uses mayo to help keep it creamy.   

Preheat oven to 375 (can be cooked in a convection toaster oven in the summer)

For the meat / veggie filling
  • 1 onion cut into small chunks (I like sweet onions but use what you have)
  • 1 lb ground meat (I used ground turkey)
  • Veggies (I used mushrooms and kale this go round) several cups worth
  • 1 tbsp oil (I use either avocado or olive)
For the sauce
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 4 tbsp soy
  • 2 tbsp garlic
  • 2 tbsp ginger juice
  • 2 tsp sesame seed oil

For the egg filling
  • 3/4 heavy cream or half and half
  • 1/2 Hellman’s Real Mayo (I use the avocado one)
  • 3 large eggs beaten
  • 1/2 cup of what ever shredded cheese you like (I used 3 cheese Italian)

Heat the oil in a pan, add the onions and turn to a medium heat. You want the onions to slowly cook until they are translucent. Remove onions from pan and add you meat.  Cook until completely browned. Add the sauce and the rest of the veggies. Cook until all of the veggies are tender (around 5 minutes) and most of the liquid is gone, turning frequently.   

While veggies are cooking mix  egg filling and beat with a fork or a small whisk until completely blended. 

Pour the meat/ veggie filling into a large pie pan and let cool slightly before adding the egg filling.  

Place pie pan in preheated oven and cook 40 minute or until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool slightly and serve. 

Great as lunch leftovers.